Business (BM) |
In the present global business environment, Industries face competitive pressures,
as in one hand they will required to fulfill customer demand in time or delivered
products in time with competitive rates, and on the other hand they will required
to maintain their production cost.
Business (BM) is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and MRP ( Manufacturing
Resource Palnning) base Software and helps you accomplish all these goals and more.
Business (BM) improves your operations; such as purchse, production, Sub-Contract, Sales. It is a
cost-effective platform for managing divisions or individual factories.
Business (BM) meets your requirement for a comprehensive, integrated, and flexible
solution to manage all operations from Inquiry, Quatation ,sales Management
and procurement to production, Costing, and post-sale service.
The advantages for you are enormous. For Example you can find Quick and accuret
demand of materials in purchase, production, sub-contract, base on the sales order
or planning made by management
Business (BM) is a ROBUST application that is ideal for Small Scale, Medium Scale and
Large companies, it is continuously upgraded by a dedicated team which ensures all
that the client is always up to date.
Major Modules of the Software
1. Pre-Sales (Inquiry, Quotation)
This module Covers Inquiry, Quotation, Followups, Dropdown Inquiry/Quotation.
2. Sales Order Managment
This module covers all the activities after the sales order received and before the Dispatch.
3. Dispatch Management
This module covers all the activities after the product is redy to deliverd as per client requirements.
4. Purchase Management
This module covers all the activities from Indent generation to material received
5. Quality Control
Quality control or Quality check of the purchase inward, production inward, sub-contract inward.
6. Sub-Contract Management
Covers Sub-Contract Order, Material Issue, and inward finished product
7. Production Managmenet
Production Order, Material Issue, Inward finished product
8. After Sales Services
Reparing, Replacement
9. Excise Reports
10. Accounting
Account Recevable, Account Payable, Trading Account, Profit and Losss Account, Balance Sheet
11. Human Resource Management
Employee Detail, Department Information, Leave and Holiday, Attedence Management, Payslip Generation