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Job Manager (Web Base)
  Job Manager (Web Base)
Today's we can see that industries is booming, the size of industries is not limited to particular size. And to maintain this industries manpower is must required. These man power must be Quality man power which can give their share in growth of industries. But on of the side effect of these growing market is Employee turn over ratio. For these industires has to depend on the Employment agency or data received from various sources. But main thing is that when industries required such data must be avilable. Same way for placement agency the data collected by agency from various sources must be avilable for their client. In both the cases the data must be avilable in rigth place and right time.
We have solution for that Job Manager
These software is design in such a way that it can help you to find out your right data from the data collected by your industries or by your agency. These software is not only store data but also give filter data base on your requirements. And also process your data for particular requirements. Benefits of this software
1.  Can Manage Large volume of data.
2.  Customized search as per your requirements.
3.  Keep Track of particular placement
4.  Keep Track of Candidate
5.  Keep Track of Candidate Schedule.
6.  Can Import data from various sources.
7.  Reminder and other important information on Dash board
8.  Email and SMS Integration.
For more futures and modules please contact us or Mail us our customer support executive will contact you for more detail.

Major Modules of System
1.   Candidate Detail.
2.   Compnay Detail
3.   New Opening Detail
4.   Categrized Candidate and compnay.
5.   Trake of Candidate.
6.   Track of Compnay.
7.   Track of Job Opening.
This is just and overview of modules if you want more information feel free to contact us or Mail us our customer suppoer executive will contact you for more detail.