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Job Portal
INDIA is now developing nations, many multinational compnays opening their business branchies in india. As the industries growing Manpower turnover ratio is also invresed, every body want better and better quality of jobs and skills. Placement agency will provide such kind of bridge between these two demand i.e. Jobs and Requirements. But due to higher volumn of Job Seeker and Job Provider it is very difficult to manage each job seeker with right kind of data when jobs are availabel from any compnay.
JOB PORTAL is the prefect solution for this.
Job portal will put your agency in the global market, the agency which become bridge between recruiter and job seeker, and these will increse your reputation among the Job seeker as well as recruter. And by avaibility of your agency 24 X 7, databank of candidate and recruiter also incresed.
Followings are the furtuer of Job Portal
1. Job Category
2. Industires Category
3. Professional wise category
4. Search Job base on city
5. Candidate registration (Can be paid or free as required)
6. Recuriter registration (Can be paid or free as required)
7. Candidate Module
8. Recruiter module
9. And Many more
Please contact us for more information by way of inquiry form or mail us your requirements.