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Real Estate Web Site
  Real Estate Web Site
This Web site is design specially for Real Estate Agency. Normally in today world the Physical boundry of is become so smaller and smaller. And people is redy to migrate from one place to another place and for that they will need residence over there with particualr type. i.e. Four Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen, particular sqr. feet.
It is very necessary that right information of avilable property must reach to the right buyer. And this web site will help the Ream Estate Agency for putting their availabel option on site or on web.

Benefit of Real Estate Web Site

1. Client can search property easily
2. Customized Search Option.
3. Get customer inquiry.
4. Online Updation of Images of property.
5. Can track customer.
6. Manage Let and Buy property.

This is just and overview of modules if you want more information feel free to contact us or Mail us our customer suppoer executive will contact you for more detail.